How to Realistically Get Through Med School Without Poking Your Eyeballs Out

A note from a subscriber,

My name is Maria and I am a medical student in my last year of medical school. When I first started medical school, I struggled with finding a good work-life balance. I was studying until 2 am, regularly running on 4 hours of sleep, brushing off friends and family to focus on studying. I got burnout in my third year during my internal medicine rotation while also suddenly losing my housing. I felt awful both physically and mentally. I finally said screw it.

How to Build a Successful Home-Based Business

Who doesn’t want to be their own boss? Whether you’re tired of slogging away at the office, sick of the daily commute, or looking for ways to generate income in college, building your own business is a fantastic way to reclaim control over your life. Work when you want, where you want, and how you want! All you need is a great business idea and the passion to pursue it, and you have the foundation for a profitable home-based business that you can be proud of. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind as you start down the path to entrepreneurship.

8 Tips for Balancing Work and School

It's no secret that college is expensive. So expensive, in fact, that 70% of college students work through school. But while working helps students make ends meet, it's not easy to balance school and work without letting your grades suffer.

Compromise is key when juggling college and a job, but it can be done. Here are 8 time management tips to help you maintain your side hustle while keeping your grades up and your stress in check.

Does BetterHelp Therapy actually help?

I’ve been going to therapy online for 6 months now. I don’t physically actually have to go anywhere, which is pretty awesome because I think what initially used to hold me back was finding the motivation to get in my car and go somewhere to complain about myself. Instead, I open my laptop, type in my embarrassing password, and navigate to the BetterHelp website. It is so convenient.