Does BetterHelp Therapy actually help?

Does BetterHelp Therapy actually help?

The quick and short answer to the question in the title is, YES.

And, if you want to start your growth UPWARDS, here’s my affiliate link for 10% off.

I’ve been going to therapy online for 6 months now. I don’t physically actually have to go anywhere, which is pretty awesome because I think what initially used to hold me back was finding the motivation to get in my car and go somewhere to complain about myself. Instead, I open my laptop, type in my embarrassing password, and navigate to the BetterHelp website. It is so convenient.

Even better, I LOVE my therapist. BetterHelp assigns you to a therapist that best fits your needs based on a quick questionnaire you fill out when you sign up. Well, they did a GREAT job finding mine! She gets me, she gets why I’m seeking help, and she knows how to give me advice that I’ve actually followed through on. It has been life-changing to receive UNBIASED advice. It keeps my head in a clear direction by allowing me to figure out what I think is right for me vs. what someone else thinks is right for me.

I prefer to video-chat with my therapist, however, there are so many options available. You can directly message back and forth or set up a phone call. I’ve tried all three and my preference is either video-chat or phone-call. I feel like video-chatting really helps establish a relationship with your therapist. You get to see what they look like and they see you while you talk about whatever it is you want to express. Later on, I called her a few times over the phone to talk while I went on walks, and it was just as valuable as the video-chats.

Why did I start therapy? I was struggling in my personal relationships with others and myself. I was confused, stressed, insecure, unconfident, anxious, demotivated, angry, frustrated…um, I honestly could go on and on. BetterHelp knocked on my doors at the right time.

I’m not going to write this article without mentioning the cons to therapy either. There were days or weeks where I thought, okay I’m done, I’m cancelling BetterHelp because I don’t need it anymore or I don’t want it anymore. There were times I felt I wasn’t getting anything out of it. There were times I wanted to cancel my session the night before. The only thing that kept me going, however, was having the motivation to actually want to be in a better headspace this time. I had gone to counseling before through school and quit both times, so this time around I was more motivated.

Like all things you guys, personal growth while improving your mental health is a long-term effort. It takes time to improve anything in life. If I could spend 6 months studying for the MCAT or 8 hours/day studying in school, then I can spend some time in my day for my headspace. 6 months later, I’ve incorporated so many mindful things in my life. I’m mindful, not mind-full, and I feel SO much better.

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