How To Make Your CV

How To Make Your CV

Watch my Youtube live video HERE where I walk you through my CV so that you can write your own!

In this blog post, I will be sharing my CV template and showing you how to make your own CV so that it is more attractive to medical school admissions committees or jobs that are hiring for scientific related research or work. There are very few components that go into making a great CV and I will simply list them out for you here:

  1. Have valuable extracurricular activities, jobs, volunteer, or research work to actually put on your CV. This means you should get off that couch or out of your bed and start doing something productive with your free time!

  2. For every position you are applying for, you might need to restructure your resume so that the more important activities you have done are higher up on your CV.

  3. Keep the formatting of your CV consistent throughout. So, if you put periods at the end of every bulleted sentence, then make sure you have done that for every sentence.

  4. The time period for which you have done each activity/job is very important. Always add that in.

  5. Try to keep your resume relatively short. Only keep important information on there. No one wants to read a list of 10 things for each activity that you did. Keep the top 3-5 most important and concise descriptions.

  6. Don’t worry about bragging or staying humble. Your CV is the one place you can professionally show-off.

  7. Use my template to make your own CV & good luck!

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